Saturday, December 15, 2012

Be like JC or better than him

Have you heard Jackie Chan speaking in English in the Hollywood movies??
Since he is chinese, his accent is not exactly the same like the native speakers.
The question is, How did he do it?

In case if you forget, all male and female actors who act in a movie are required to memorize their lines from the provided script. Basically, if the actors do not speak English, they just keep on practicing their lines until they can somehow memorize the pronunciation and the intonation of the words properly. Once the movie is published, you would see the lines are well rehearsed and to certain extent, the actors' dialogues seem very authentic and almost native like. Speaking of practices make perfect. 

So what are you waiting for?
Start memorizing the lines taken from your favourite English movies. 
Stand in front of a mirror and read out the lines by heart. 
Next time when someone invite you to join a conversation in English language, you would know how to response effectively. 


  1. so they just pretending? just memorize everything and bla bla bla...... this is how we want to response effectively yeah? ohkay noted :D

    1. Of course when you memorize certain lines you need to understand the meaning at the same time. What i'm trying to say here is that no matter how good your English language is, if you are reluctant to speak, you are getting nowhere. For poor learners, the best thing that they could do is by taking any lines/ dialogues from a movie and act them out. But....they have to make sure they understand every single word that come out from their mouths.

  2. there are some singers who did this Korean's artist.some of them cannot speak or don't know how to speak,but when they memorize the lines,they looked pretty AWESOME :)

  3. nothing in this world are impossible...

  4. memorizing line is good but in my opinion , that does not always work and its also is not very efficient. I am saying this because by memorizing you are actually memorizing a scripted reaction but what if something that was not scripted happens ? this is especially true in having a casual conversation with another person. You cannot predict what will they ask....

    1. Bear in your mind that not every single person is exposed to authentic situation especially with foreigners. Those who lack in vocabularies find it hard to communicate let alone constructing a short sentence in English language. The best thing that they could do for a start is to imitate others. Before they start memorizing others' sentences, they need to know the meaning beforehand. Practices make perfect. Sooner or later, any casual conversation will be dealt well without struggling.

  5. i like Jackie Chan.... hihihihi..

  6. hai,,if u thing u can do,u must do n u need do everything u want to do,if u can't to do u must try to do it..

  7. this video are fun and easy to understand

  8. I agree with my big boss up there, taki82...memorizing is not the best idea...sometimes, i asked my friends "what are you talking about" when he's speaking...but, he said that he doesn't know any words that came from his mouth, he just memorize it....can u imagine when foreigner ask something or ask for will be troublesome for him to answer the questions....and it would be bad if he said something that he memorize, something that not make any sense

    correct me if im wrong ^^

    1. :p Have you seen small kids learn a language? If you teach them new words, they will imitate you every now and then even without fully understand the meaning of the word. As years passing by, they would get the meaning. The fun part in learning a language is, never ever feel afraid to say certain things out loud. People may laugh at you but they will stop somehow. What counts most is your readiness to accept the language. In your friend's case, he has taken a few steps before he actually acquire the language effectively. Don't forget, practices make perfect. Check out the Banglas that we have here in Malaysia. Listen to them. How?? Why??

  9. Jackie Chan is a great actor from China , he teach us the way to speak english properly just from the movie , teenagers nowadays learn english language just from movies , games and music . beside that , we also can let our tongue get twisted if we dont usually practice the english speaking .

  10. sometimes I can learn in English by watching the movie....... :)

  11. Watching english movie is also good to learn english. I like movie acting by Jackie Chan. ^_^
